ell area significantly differed between vehicle and MLN0518 treated tumours. Despite having a lower perfused vessel area, MLN0518 treated tumours were 25.3% less hypoxic than control tumours as assessed by pimonidazole adduct formation. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated a 17689526 significant reduction in alpha smooth muscle actin positive blood vessels in MLN0518 treated tumours compared to vehicle treated tumours. H&E staining revealed no difference in necrosis between the groups. In light of the MLN0518-induced alteration in perfused vessel area, vascular maturation and hypoxia, intrinsic susceptibility MRI was performed on a purchase LBH589 separate cohort of C6 tumour bearing mice treated with either vehicle or 20 mg/kg MLN0518. There was no difference in the baseline relaxation rate R2 or in the change in R2 induced by carbogen breathing between vehicle and MLN0518 treated tumours. Similarly, the percentage of voxels with a negative DR2, representing oxygenation of the haemoglobin, was not significantly different between the treatment groups. Tumour growth was also delayed by treatment with MLN0518 over three days. As was observed after ten days treatment, MLN0518 treated tumours demonstrated a 30.8% smaller overall perfused vessel area and were 37.0% less hypoxic than vehicle treated tumours. Susceptibility contrast MRI did not reveal any change in Rv, fBV or ADC at this time point. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI performed following three days treatment with MLN0518 or vehicle revealed that the initial area under the gadolinium concentration curve was significantly lower in tumours in MLN0518 treated mice than in control tumours. expresses both PDGF receptors and their ligands and demonstrates altered PDGF pathway signalling. Typically, PDGFRa is highly expressed by tumour cells and PDGFRb is preferentially expressed by vascular endothelial and mural cells within tumours. However, PDGFRb has been shown to be expressed in 50% of tumour cells in addition to 65% of peritumoural endothelial cells in GBM. Co-expression of PDGF and both receptors 10760364 is an indication that autocrine/paracrine signalling plays an important role in glial tumour establishment and development. Consequently, the C6 glioma xenograft model was utilised in this study combining multi-parametric MRI and quantitative histopathology to assess the response to MLN0518. Tumour growth in mice bearing C6 xenografts was suppressed by twice daily treatment with 20 mg/kg MLN0518. This growth inhibition was accompanied by a significant reduction in the number of a-SMA positive tumour blood vessels and a reduction in the percentage of tumour vessels perfused at the time of tumour excision, demonstrating that target inhibition had been achieved MRI Biomarker ADC, one of the most vascularised human tumours, mm /sec) 2 Fractional blood volume Vessel size index ADC = apparent diffusion coefficient. Mean of median parameter values from each tumour 6 1s.e.m.. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063024.t001 Response of C6 Xenografts to MLN0518 Treatment Histological Biomarker Hoechst vessel size Perfused vessels Perfused vessel area Pimonidazole a-smooth muscle actin Necrosis Vehicle 29.160.4 42.562.3 1.960.2 10.961.0 2.860.3 41.262.2 20mg/kg MLN0518 28.160.3 31.762.0 1.260.1 7.860.6 2.060.3 41.162.4 Values are mean 6 1s.e.m. Two frozen sections per tumour were assessed for fluorescence microscopy and a single FFPE section per tumour for a-smooth muscle actin and necrosis assessment. p,0.05, p,0.01. doi:10.1371/journal.p
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