Ant findings for each publication. To provide consistency with previous reviews, outcomes are divided into four categories: symptoms, symptomatic behavior, social functioning and global functioning (7). The symptoms category consists of measures of symptom severity (including Axis I and Axis II CPI-455 mechanism of action disorders and XR9576 cost overall psychiatric symptom ratings), symptom counts or percentage of patients who met the recovery criterion. Symptomatic behavior includes measures of specific cognitive and/or behavioral outcomes, such as extent of dysfunctional cognitions, frequency of non-suicidal self-injury, or days of abstinence from substances. Social functioning includes assessments of overall social functioning or social adjustment, whereas specific interpersonal behaviors (e.g., frequency of verbal assault) are coded as symptomatic behavior. Finally, global functioning includes measures of overall functioning, (e.g., Global Assessment of Functioning Scale).NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptTreatment OutcomeBorderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Treatments for BPD have been studied more extensively than treatments for any other PD. For example, we identified 16 RCTs of cognitive behavioral treatments that specifically target BPD, as well as 10 naturalistic studies and eight case studies, which provide evidence of the effectiveness of CBT in real-world settings. Of these Dialectical Behavior Therapy (11) has received the most thorough evaluation and empirical support, however, there have been a number of studies that evaluate traditional CBT approaches, schema-focused therapy, and skills-based interventions.Dialectical Behavior TherapyDialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an extensively studied and widely adopted treatment for patients with BPD and parasuicidal behavior (e.g., suicide attempts and non-suicidal selfinjury). DBT is informed by a biosocial model of BPD, which suggests that BPD emerges from a biological predisposition to emotional intensity and reactivity coupled with an invalidating childhood environment (11). Accordingly, DBT emphasizes the importance of acceptance and validation in the therapeutic relationship, and conceptualizes symptomatic behaviorsas understandable products of the patient’s learning history. In addition, DBT has roots in dialectical philosophy and Eastern spiritual traditions, which place value on the synthesis of opposites (e.g., balancing acceptance and change) and creation of a life worth living (11, 17). Standard, outpatient DBT has four components, delivered concurrently over the course of a year or more: individual DBT, group skills training, phone consultation for skills coaching, and weekly consultation meetings for the therapists. Individual treatment uses functional analysis, exposure, contingency management and cognitive restructuring to decrease problematic behaviors and enhance quality of life. Skills training enhances the patient’s ability to respond effectively in difficult situations. The DBT-targeted skills include mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation and distress tolerance. Phone consultation is available to patients to support the generalization of skills. Finally, the treatment team participates in weekly supervision to provide support and enhance adherence to the DBT treatment model (11, 17).Psychiatr Clin North Am. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 September 1.Matusiewicz et al.PageThe efficacy of the full DBT treatment package (c.Ant findings for each publication. To provide consistency with previous reviews, outcomes are divided into four categories: symptoms, symptomatic behavior, social functioning and global functioning (7). The symptoms category consists of measures of symptom severity (including Axis I and Axis II disorders and overall psychiatric symptom ratings), symptom counts or percentage of patients who met the recovery criterion. Symptomatic behavior includes measures of specific cognitive and/or behavioral outcomes, such as extent of dysfunctional cognitions, frequency of non-suicidal self-injury, or days of abstinence from substances. Social functioning includes assessments of overall social functioning or social adjustment, whereas specific interpersonal behaviors (e.g., frequency of verbal assault) are coded as symptomatic behavior. Finally, global functioning includes measures of overall functioning, (e.g., Global Assessment of Functioning Scale).NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptTreatment OutcomeBorderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Treatments for BPD have been studied more extensively than treatments for any other PD. For example, we identified 16 RCTs of cognitive behavioral treatments that specifically target BPD, as well as 10 naturalistic studies and eight case studies, which provide evidence of the effectiveness of CBT in real-world settings. Of these Dialectical Behavior Therapy (11) has received the most thorough evaluation and empirical support, however, there have been a number of studies that evaluate traditional CBT approaches, schema-focused therapy, and skills-based interventions.Dialectical Behavior TherapyDialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an extensively studied and widely adopted treatment for patients with BPD and parasuicidal behavior (e.g., suicide attempts and non-suicidal selfinjury). DBT is informed by a biosocial model of BPD, which suggests that BPD emerges from a biological predisposition to emotional intensity and reactivity coupled with an invalidating childhood environment (11). Accordingly, DBT emphasizes the importance of acceptance and validation in the therapeutic relationship, and conceptualizes symptomatic behaviorsas understandable products of the patient’s learning history. In addition, DBT has roots in dialectical philosophy and Eastern spiritual traditions, which place value on the synthesis of opposites (e.g., balancing acceptance and change) and creation of a life worth living (11, 17). Standard, outpatient DBT has four components, delivered concurrently over the course of a year or more: individual DBT, group skills training, phone consultation for skills coaching, and weekly consultation meetings for the therapists. Individual treatment uses functional analysis, exposure, contingency management and cognitive restructuring to decrease problematic behaviors and enhance quality of life. Skills training enhances the patient’s ability to respond effectively in difficult situations. The DBT-targeted skills include mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation and distress tolerance. Phone consultation is available to patients to support the generalization of skills. Finally, the treatment team participates in weekly supervision to provide support and enhance adherence to the DBT treatment model (11, 17).Psychiatr Clin North Am. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 September 1.Matusiewicz et al.PageThe efficacy of the full DBT treatment package (c.
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