Ogenates were prepared from retinas collected and XAV-939 cost pooled from six mice
Ogenates were prepared from retinas collected and pooled from six mice at PN24. **P < 0.01 compared to rd10 vehicle control, n = 3 independent assay experiments. d For TUNEL/IBA1 and TUNEL/Recoverin co-staining (PN24 retinas), a TMR red kit (Roche) was used so that TUNELpositive nuclei appear red. The data show that TUNEL-positive nuclei do not overlap with IBA1-positive cells; instead, they are localized within recoverin-positive (photoreceptor) cells. Scale bar 50 mWe then assessed the effect of JQ1 specifically on retinal microglia inflammation, using retinal microglial cells directly purified (by sorting, Additional file 1: Figure S5) from rd10 mice treated with JQ1 or vehicle. We found that the expression of inflammatory cytokines was significantly (except RANTES) reduced in JQ1-treated retinal microglia compared to vehicle control (Fig. 4c). The manipulations during cellisolation and purification may have inevitably dampened the JQ1 effect on the expression of inflammatory cytokines. To further confirm the anti-inflammatory effect of JQ1 specifically on microglia, we used primary microglial cell cultures, derived from whole mouse brain, which is an abundant source of microglial cells. We found that in response to LPS stimulation, inflammatory cytokinesZhao et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2017) 14:Page 9 ofFig. 3 JQ1 treatment inhibits retinal microglial activation in the rd10 retina. Intravitreal injection of JQ1 (or vehicle) was performed at PN14, as described in Fig. 1. Eyeballs were collected at PN18, PN24, and PN30. Cryosections were used for immunostaining and fluorescence microscopy. a Representative immunostaining images of microglial markers. Scale bar 50 m. Blue DAPI staining of nuclei. d Quantification: IBA1, CD68, or TSPO positive cells per 500 m ONL length; mean ?SEM, n = 6 mice. Quantification of IBA1 staining at all five time points (PN18-PN30) is presented in Additional file 1: Figure STNF, MCP-1, IL-1, IL-6, and RANTES were all dramatically upregulated, and JQ1 pre-incubation significantly reduced LPS-stimulated expression of all these cytokines (Fig. 4d). These different lines of evidence collectively suggest a prominent role of the BET family in microglial activation in the degenerating retina of rd10 mice.Blocking BETs abrogates inflammation, proliferation, and migration of N9 microglial cellsTo further analyze the role of PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28859980 BET proteins in microglial activation in a systematic manner, we used N9 cells, a commonly used microglial cell line originally provided by Dr. Paula Ricciardi-Castagnoli [23]. Using a cell line allowed us to perform genetic modifications, e.g., knockdown, and assess major pathogenic phenotypes of activated microglia, including inflammation, proliferation, migration, and elevated expression of inflammatory factors. As shown in Fig. 5a, while LPS potently stimulated the expression of inflammatory cytokines (TNF, MCP-1, IL-1, IL-6, and RANTES), JQ1 pre-treatment abolished this LPS-stimulated phenotype of activated microglia. Furthermore, JQ1 pre-treatment reduced N9 cell proliferation and migration by 70 (Fig. 5b, c). We used a concentration of 0.5 M JQ1 based on an N9 cell viability doseresponse (Additional file 1: Figure S6).Thus, these combined data from the N9 cell line are consistent with the results that blocking BET bromodomains with JQ1 effectively suppresses microglial activation in the rd10 retina (Figs. 3 and 4). The BET inhibitors thus far developed are not selective within t.
BET Bromodomain Inhibitor