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,232 195,269 195,269 195,269 45,964 107,460 89,715 119,698 29,748 60,344 91,245 86,7.82 four.93 12.eight 17.2 1.78 two.98 0.91 4.83 0.11 0.50 5.76 8.56 3.76 three.68 13.two 13.two five.95 9.AromaticKetone Alcohol Ester Fatty acidMean:six.52 .Carbon number equivalent for each and every atom and functional group (CNE): (1) C = 1, (2) H = -0.035, (3) O = 0, (four) C=0 = -0.95, (5) -O- = 0.55, and (6) – CH3 = 0.15 b I, J, K, L, M and N = number of C, H, O, =O, -O-, CH3 (atoms or functional groups) in each and every VOC, respectively c ECN = I + J*(CNE of -H) + L*(CNE of C=O) + M*(CNE of -O-) + N*(CNE of -CH3) d The predictive equation (by ECN strategy) for estimation of VOC concentration was determined making use of 18 liquid functioning requirements except for AA: (1) RF = 30,595, (two) intercept = -47,963, and (three) R2 = 0.9901 e % diverse (PD, ) = ABS{[RF (actual exp)-RF (ECN approach)] / RF (actual exp) * 100}Sensors 2013, 13 Table 5S. Operational situations of TD-GC-TOF MS program for the evaluation of fresh and decaying strawberry.[A] Sampling information of strawberry volatiles a. Information of strawberry for sampling Order Sample code 1 SRD-0 two SRD-1 three SRD-3 4 SRD-6 5 SRD-9 Initial weight = 50.09 g b. Sampling approach Sampler: Purge gas: Purge gas flow: Pump model: Heater model: 3 bed sorbent tube Nitrogen (99.Bortezomib 999 ) 50 mLmin-1 MP-30 (Sibata, Japan) TC200P (Korea) Storage time (day) 0 1 3 6 9 Storage temp.Fexinidazole () C 25 25 25 25[B] Instrumental setups for VOC analysis a.PMID:23539298 GC (Shimadzu GC-2010, Japan) and MS (Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010, Japan) Column: CP Wax (diameter: 0.25 mm, length: 60 m, and film thickness: 0.25 m) Oven setting Detector setting Initial temp: 35 (ten min) C Ionization mode: EI (70 eV) -1 Ramp price: 6Cmin Ion source temp.: 200 C Max oven temp: 215 (ten min) C Interface temp.: 200 C Total time: 50 min TIC scan range: 35 260 m/z Carrier gas: He (99.999 ) Carrier gas flow: 1 mLmin-1 b. Thermal desorber (Unity, Markes, UK) Tenax TA + Carbopack B (volume ratio=1:1) (diameter: two mm and sorbent bed length = 5 mm) Split ratio: 1:5 Adsorption temp.: -10 C Split flow: five mLmin-1 Desorption temp.: 320 C Trap hold time: 20 min Flow path temp: 150 C c. Sorbent (Sampling) Tube Cold trap sorbent: Sorbent material: Desorption flow: Desorption time: Tenax TA + Carbopack B + Carboxen 1000 (mass (mg)=100 : one hundred: one hundred ) 50 mLmin-1 five min Desorption temp.: 300 CSensors 2013, 13 Table 6S. A list of individual VOC determined by the TD-GC-MS technique from all strawberry samples throughout the study period.Order Compounds MW (g mole ) A. Ester (61) 1 2 3 4 5 six 7 eight 9 ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Methyl acetate Ethyl acetate Methyl propionate S-Methyl thioacetate Methyl trans-crotonate Isopropyl acetate Methyl isobutyrate Ethyl propionate Propyl acetate Methyl butyrate Ethyl crotonate Methyl tiglate Ethyl isobutyrate Methyl 2-methylbutanoate Isobutyl acetate Methyl isovalerate Ethyl butyrate Butyl acetate Methyl valerate S-Methyl thiobutyrate Methyl 2-vinylbutanoate 4-Penten-1-yl acetate Ethyl tiglate cis-2-Penten-1-yl acetate Prenyl acetate 74 88 88 90 one hundred 102 102 102 102 102 114 114 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 118 128 128 128 128 128 C3H6O2 C4 H8 O2 C4H8O2 C3 H6 O S C5 H8 O2 C5H10O2 C5H10O2 C5 H10 O2 C5 H10 O2 C5 H10 O2 C6 H10 O2 C6H10O2 C6 H12 O2 C6H12O2 C6H12O2 C6 H12 O2 C6 H12 O2 C6 H12 O2 C6 H12 O2 C5H10OS C7 H12 O2 C7 H12 O2 C7H12O2 C7 H12 O2 C7H12O2 3,949 four,793 40.eight 94.2 two.77 52.eight 0.005 52.7 0.005 1194 7.13 0.003 three.80 21.eight 9.11 54.8 1,537 34.two three.91 0.006 0.77 two.65 0.002 4.96 0.48 three,875 four,277.

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Author: bet-bromodomain.