Ason burns bring about a shrubbier FRAX1036 site ground cover dominated by runner oak, gallberry, shiny blueberry, or fetterbush, based on proximity to wetlands. The distribution of ant species in relation to depth to groundwater was tested by laying out 3 transects, every about 300 m long, that progressed from a wetland margin more than the highest point of a flatwoods upland, and down towards the subsequent wetland margin. 3 places in which the highest points supported turkey oak were selected, assuring that the complete array of depth to water present in the flatwoods was sampled. These transects were designated by the US Forest Service PubMed ID: management compartment in which they had been positioned: 232 (transect centered at lat-long 30.324802, 84.520873), 233 N (centered at lat-long 30.329462, -84.530883), and 233 S (centered at lat-long 30.308122, -84.520544) (lat-long data from Google Earth).Journal of Insect Science | www.insectscience.orgJournal of Insect Science: Vol. 12 | Article 114 Determining the water table depth A surveyor’s level was employed to map the elevations relative for the highest point along every single transect. Sample plots had been located at four roughly equal elevations along every single transect to ensure that each elevation was represented twice in every transect, after in 1 direction in the high point, and after in the other (that is, there were eight sample plots per transect). Thus, the wells had been not spaced at equal linear distances along the transect. The two highest plots have been no less than 35 m apart. At every sample plot, a soil auger was applied to bore a hole to under the water table, and a 10 cm diameter PVC pipe, fitted with a cap and screen bottom, was positioned in the hole and closed at ground level having a removable cap. The screen bottom permitted water, but not sand, in to the pipe. The water level in these pipes represented the water table, and its depth from the surface was measured using a float and calibrated string. The water table was measured several occasions through 2005, and again from June to September 2009. The year 2005 was component of a multi-year drought, whereas 2009 was a much more standard year. The well and plot areas are shown by arrows in Figure 1. Since the wells were situated at 4 discrete depth classes, they were categorized as deep, upper medium, reduced medium, and shallow. The mean and selection of depth to water for these categories in 2009 was as follows: deep, imply = 108 cm, range 101-130 cm; upper medium, imply = 92 cm, range 86-100 cm; lower medium, mean = 59, range 53-62; shallow, imply = 45 cm, range 27-49 cm. None in the implies overlapped among categories. Soil profiles Because the soil that was brought up though boring the wells changed color, a sample of it wasTschinkel et al. packed onto a board, labeled using the depth range, and photographed. These pictures were made use of to produce the soil profile pictures for each nicely. Sampling the ant fauna The ant fauna at each and every height above the water table was sampled using a five x 5 array of pitfall traps at 3 m spacing. The arrays (plots) were centered on the test wells, resulting in eight plots per transect. The pitfall traps were 85 mm extended plastic vials with a 30 mm internal diameter, and were partially filled with 15 mm of non-toxic, propylene-glycol antifreeze (a preservative) sunk to ensure that the upper lip was at ground level. An inverted, clear, plastic plate supported on three nails protected the traps from rain. The traps remained open for one week in between the following dates: 232, September 3-15, 2008; 233 N, Septem.
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