4) 166 (10.6) 86 (6.1) 767 (54.1) 358 (25.3) 132 (9.3) 74 (5.2) 424 (27.1) 705 (45.1) 433 (27.7) 398 (25.5) 721 (46.2) 443 (28.4) 1409 (88.3) 121 (7.6) 34 (2.1) 32 (2.0) 382 (25.0) 380 (24.9) 347 (22.7) 417 (27.3) 817 (50.9) 789 (49.1) 1048 (68.4) 301 (19.6) 21 (1.4) 163 (10.6) 729 (45.6) 870 (54.4) Total 16.5 ?1.were associated with an increased likelihood of poly-victimisation. Studying in a centre for continuing education, rather than one of the other school types, was protective. Exposure to more adverse life events, the presence of a chronic disease or disability, living with a step-parent, perception of family as unhappy, punishment at school and rural residence increased the risk of poly-victimisation when controlling for other variables in this sample (Table 5). Students who studied in centres for continuing education had lower risk of poly-victimisation compared to those in public schools.PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0125189 May 1,9 /Poly-Victimisation among Vietnamese Adolescents and CorrelatesTable 2. Percentages of different forms of victimisation among 1,606 high school students in Vietnam (lifetime experience). Victimisation form Conventional Crime Robbery: At any time in your life, did anyone use force to take something away from you that you were carrying or wearing? Personal theft: At any time in your life, did anyone steal something from you and never give it back? Things like a backpack, money, watch, clothing, bike, stereo, or anything else? Vandalism: At any time in your life, did anyone break or ruin any of your things on purpose? Assault with weapon: Sometimes people are attacked with sticks, rocks, guns, knives, or other things that would hurt. At any time in your life, did anyone hit or attack you on purpose with an object or weapon? Somewhere like: at home, at school, at a store, in a car, on the street, or anywhere else? Assault without weapon: At any time in your life, did anyone hit or attack you without using an object or weapon? Attempted assault: At any time in your life, did someone start to attack you, but for some reason, it didn’t happen? For example, someone helped you or you got away? Threatened assault: At any time in your life, did someone threaten to hurt you when you thought they might really do it? Kidnapping: When a person is kidnapped, it means they were made to go somewhere, like into a car, by someone who they thought might hurt them. At any time in your life, did anyone try to kidnap you? Bias attack: At any time in your life, have you been hit or attacked because of your skin colour, religion, or where your family comes from? Because of a physical problem you have? Or because someone said you were gay? Child maltreatment Corporal punishment: At any time in your life, has a grown-up in your life spanked, hit or slapped you on the PX-478 custom synthesis bottom with their bare hand? Physical abuse by caregiver: Not including spanking on your bottom, at any time in your life, has a grown-up in your life hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt you in any way? Emotional abuse: At any time in your life, did you get scared or feel really bad because Pinometostat site grown-ups in your life called you names, said mean things to you, or said they didn’t want you? Neglect: When someone is neglected, it means that the grownups in their life didn’t take care of them the way they should. They might not give them enough food, take them to the doctor when they are sick, or make sure they have a safe place to stay. At any time in your life, w.4) 166 (10.6) 86 (6.1) 767 (54.1) 358 (25.3) 132 (9.3) 74 (5.2) 424 (27.1) 705 (45.1) 433 (27.7) 398 (25.5) 721 (46.2) 443 (28.4) 1409 (88.3) 121 (7.6) 34 (2.1) 32 (2.0) 382 (25.0) 380 (24.9) 347 (22.7) 417 (27.3) 817 (50.9) 789 (49.1) 1048 (68.4) 301 (19.6) 21 (1.4) 163 (10.6) 729 (45.6) 870 (54.4) Total 16.5 ?1.were associated with an increased likelihood of poly-victimisation. Studying in a centre for continuing education, rather than one of the other school types, was protective. Exposure to more adverse life events, the presence of a chronic disease or disability, living with a step-parent, perception of family as unhappy, punishment at school and rural residence increased the risk of poly-victimisation when controlling for other variables in this sample (Table 5). Students who studied in centres for continuing education had lower risk of poly-victimisation compared to those in public schools.PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0125189 May 1,9 /Poly-Victimisation among Vietnamese Adolescents and CorrelatesTable 2. Percentages of different forms of victimisation among 1,606 high school students in Vietnam (lifetime experience). Victimisation form Conventional Crime Robbery: At any time in your life, did anyone use force to take something away from you that you were carrying or wearing? Personal theft: At any time in your life, did anyone steal something from you and never give it back? Things like a backpack, money, watch, clothing, bike, stereo, or anything else? Vandalism: At any time in your life, did anyone break or ruin any of your things on purpose? Assault with weapon: Sometimes people are attacked with sticks, rocks, guns, knives, or other things that would hurt. At any time in your life, did anyone hit or attack you on purpose with an object or weapon? Somewhere like: at home, at school, at a store, in a car, on the street, or anywhere else? Assault without weapon: At any time in your life, did anyone hit or attack you without using an object or weapon? Attempted assault: At any time in your life, did someone start to attack you, but for some reason, it didn’t happen? For example, someone helped you or you got away? Threatened assault: At any time in your life, did someone threaten to hurt you when you thought they might really do it? Kidnapping: When a person is kidnapped, it means they were made to go somewhere, like into a car, by someone who they thought might hurt them. At any time in your life, did anyone try to kidnap you? Bias attack: At any time in your life, have you been hit or attacked because of your skin colour, religion, or where your family comes from? Because of a physical problem you have? Or because someone said you were gay? Child maltreatment Corporal punishment: At any time in your life, has a grown-up in your life spanked, hit or slapped you on the bottom with their bare hand? Physical abuse by caregiver: Not including spanking on your bottom, at any time in your life, has a grown-up in your life hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt you in any way? Emotional abuse: At any time in your life, did you get scared or feel really bad because grown-ups in your life called you names, said mean things to you, or said they didn’t want you? Neglect: When someone is neglected, it means that the grownups in their life didn’t take care of them the way they should. They might not give them enough food, take them to the doctor when they are sick, or make sure they have a safe place to stay. At any time in your life, w.
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